How to fuel your project with intelligent naivety?It’s often the case that small things, apparently insignificant, add up to making a big difference. We’re going to focus on two...
Controlled Disruption in the WildLet’s walk down memory lane: The music industry faced significant disruption with the emergence of Napster, a peer-to-peer file-sharing...
Controlled Disruption – a powerful approach to change the business landscape At Flying Fish Lab, we offer a unique approach called Controlled Disruption to help businesses grow. Controlled Disruption is unique in...
OUTSIDE-IN [CASE STUDY] The challenge in their case, was turning around a business that was declining and was at risk of being delisted in the near future. The...
OUTSIDE-IN: HOW FFL DOES ITOutside-in isn’t just about finding inspiration. It’s about relevance of that inspiration to the challenge. So, there are a few that we...
Challenge conventions for success Convention tells us this is about Sumo: Japanese full-contact wrestling with centuries-worth of history, traditions and rituals. But if...